How to Hatch a Dragon Egg In Minecraft (2023)

How to Hatch a Dragon Egg In Minecraft (2023)?

How to Hatch a Dragon Egg In Minecraft (2023)?

How to Hatch a Dragon Egg In Minecraft

In order for a dragon egg to hatch in Minecraft, several other dragon eggs must first be found. Many players have noted a substantial increase in the number of creatures carrying eggs that are spawning on their backs at levels 14–15.

A darker area on the mob’s back, where the egg is concealed, indicates an egg carrier. The two available egg varieties at this time are red and black eggs. The rare black eggs are intended for flying mobs like the bat or the creeper. Red eggs, on the other hand, are reserved for creatures that stay on the ground, such as zombie pigmen and other neutral species.

Place some blocks beneath the egg carrier once you’ve found it to prevent it from falling off the cliff. After that, slash them with a sword until they’re rendered unconscious and fully out of it. However, you must maintain your distance if you don’t want the egg carrier to approach from behind and begin attacking you.

Make some eggs after most of the audience has been removed. The blocks will disappear from the game environment if an egg carrier is ‘killed’ by going unconscious for an excessive period of time. Then, after killing the mob and laying one egg for each mob type you wish to breed, you should gather about 5 to 10 eggs.

For instance, if you decide to construct two zombie pigmen and two pigs as part of your work on my zombie pigmen project. Make a black egg and a red egg for each of them as a result. Place the black eggs first since you need to be able to see the mob coming from the ground to recognize it. It doesn’t matter what order they are placed in since both a black egg and a red egg create a zombie pigman.

Once you have completed all four of them, you should be able to hatch the eggs in Minecraft one by one in a specific order by walking away and then coming back to them.

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