Is Apex Legends Mobile an alternative to PUBG Mobile? Everything you need to know
Apex Legends Mobile is one among the foremost awaited titles within the mobile battle royale segment, currently dominated by games like PUBG Mobile, Free Fire, and COD Mobile.
The game by Electronic Arts has managed to get quite the excitement since its initial announcement.
To the delight of fans, the primary phase of closed beta testing for Apex Legends Mobile started on Android devices today. it’s only been made accessible for Indian users, though it’ll be available within the Philippines in May.
The game is made on the first gameplay and can undoubtedly provide an entire different experience to players on handheld devices. to start with, Apex Legends Mobile will offer certain original legends from the bottom title and therefore the World’s Edge map.
Is Apex Legends Mobile an alternative to PUBG Mobile? All you would like to understand
It is not fair to match Apex Legends Mobile as an alternative to PUBG Mobile. Though the sport belongs to an equivalent genre, EA’s offering features several distinctive elements, providing a singular BR experience to mobile users.
1 – Legendary CharactersBeta testing is currently underway in India
Players can choose the legends from a comprehensive roster supporting their playing style and preference. In contrast, PUBG Mobile doesn’t feature such a component .
The feature of Legends makes the sport even more strategic, with each player performing their specific roles on the battleground.
2 – Multiplayer SquadsWorld
Both titles feature squad modes, but there’s a stark difference, with Apex Legends having only three members during a squad and only 20 teams during a match. This changes the dynamics of the sport .
The Google Play description of the sport reads:
“Multiplayer squads, first-person and third-person shooter gameplay, and innovative combat are expecting you on the battlefield! Jump into intense combat where survival is the only thing that matters. Prove that you simply have what it takes to form it out alive.”
These outstanding features indeed make Apex Legends Mobile quite an attractive option on the hand-held platform, and it’ll undeniably have a big impact. it might be fascinating to ascertain what the developers bring back to the table.
In the end, both Apex Legends Mobile and PUBG Mobile are leagues of their own and have massive fan followings on their existing platforms. albeit they could have some generic features in common, they are not comparable.