How Many Blocks are in Minecraft 2022

How Many Blocks are in Minecraft 2022

How Many Blocks are in Minecraft 2022

How Many Blocks are in Minecraft

How Many Blocks are in Minecraft 2022

The Popular Sandbox Game, Minecraft, was developed by Mojang. Minecraft is a building game in which players use their imagination to optimize 2D pixels to create beautiful things in 3D. Moreover, players also can create things like SMPs, Gigantic Builds, RPG Realms, Redstone Machines, etc. To make things in Minecraft, you will need blocks and fortunately, Minecraft has a library filled with numerous types of Blocks and items. Each block has its different functionality. Therefore, we are including a guide that tells how many blocks are in Minecraft.

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How Many Blocks are there in Minecraft? (2022)

There are approximately 820 Blocks in Minecraft which are divided into 4 categories and each block has a unique quality. Here are the 4 categories present in Minecraft for these blocks:

  1. Building
  2. Decoration
  3. Redstone
  4. Transportation
How Many Blocks are in Minecraft

With every update in Minecraft, the number of Blocks increases while categories remain the same. Since its release, there are no upgrades in categories. Therefore, it may be possible that we may witness another category addition in the forthcoming future in Minecraft. It will be a good chance to enhance its reputation. 

Let’s get back to the discussion. Here is the list of 820 Blocks in their respective category.

Building Blocks in Minecraft

  1. Acacia Fence
  2. Acacia Log
  3. Acacia Planks
  4. Acacia Slab
  5. Acacia Stairs
  6. Acacia Wood
  7. Ancient Debris
  8. Andesite
  9. Andesite Slab
  10. Andesite Stairs
  11. Andesite Wall
  12. Barrel
  13. Beehive
  14. Basalt
  15. Bedrock
  16. Birch Fence
  17. Birch Log
  18. Birch Planks
  19. Birch Slab
  20. Birch Stairs
  21. Birch Wood
  22. Bookshelf
  23. Blackstone
  24. Blackstone Slab
  25. Blackstone Stairs
  26. Blackstone Wall
  27. Brick Slab
  28. Brick Stairs
  29. Brick Wall
  30. Bricks
  31. Campfire
  32. Chest
  33. Chiseled Nether Bricks
  34. Chiseled Polished Blackstone
  35. Chiseled Stone Brick
  36. Cobblestone
  37. Cobblestone Slab
  38. Cobblestone Stairs
  39. Cobblestone Wall
  40. Composter
  41. Crimson Fence
  42. Cracked Nether Bricks
  43. Cracked Polished Blackstone Bricks
  44. Cracked Stone Brick
  45. Crimson Hyphae
  46. Crimson Planks
  47. Crimson Slab
  48. Crimson Stairs
  49. Crimson Stem
  50. Crying Obsidian
  51. Dark Oak Fence
  52. Dark Oak Logs
  53. Dark Oak Planks
  54. Dark Oak Slabs
  55. Dark Oak Stairs
  56. Dark Oak Wood
  57. Jungle Fence
  58. Jungle Logs
  59. Jungle Planks
  60. Dark Prismarine
  61. Dark Prismarine Slab
  62. Dark Prismarine Stairs
  63. Diorite
  64. Diorite Slab
  65. Diorite Stairs
  66. Diorite Wall
  67. End Stone
  68. End Stone Brick Slab
  69. End Stone Brick Stairs
  70. End Stone Brick Wall
  71. End Stone Bricks
  72. Gilded Blackstone
  73. Glowstone
  74. Granite
  75. Granite Slab
  76. Granite Stairs
  77. Granite Wall
  78. Infested Chiseled Stone Bricks
  79. Infested Cobblestone
  80. Infested Cracked Stone Bricks
  81. Infested Mossy Stone Bricks
  82. Infested Stone
  83. Infested Stone Bricks
  84. Jungle Stairs
  85. Jungle Wood
  86. Oak Door
  87. Oak Fence
  88. Mossy Cobblestone
  89. Mossy Cobblestone Slab
  90. Mossy Cobblestone Stairs
  91. Mossy Cobblestone Wall
  92. Mossy Stone Brick Slab
  93. Mossy Stone Brick Stairs
  94. Mossy Stone Brick Wall
  95. Mossy Stone Bricks
  96. Nether Brick Fence
  97. Nether Brick Slab
  98. Nether Brick Stairs
  99. Nether Brick Wall
  100. Nether Bricks
  101. Oak Log
  102. Oak Planks
  103. Oak Slab
  104. Oak Stairs
  105. Oak Wood
  106. Scaffolding
  107. Obsidian
  108. Polished Andesite
  109. Polished Andesite Slab
  110. Polished Andesite Stairs
  111. Polished Basalt
  112. Polished Blackstone
  113. Polished Blackstone Brick Slab
  114. Polished Blackstone Brick Stairs
  115. Polished Blackstone Brick Wall
  116. Polished Blackstone Bricks
  117. Polished Blackstone Button
  118. Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate
  119. Polished Blackstone Slab
  120. Polished Blackstone Stairs
  121. Polished Blackstone Wall
  122. Polished Diorite
  123. Polished Diorite Slab
  124. Polished Diorite Stairs
  125. Polished Granite
  126. Polished Granite Slab
  127. Polished Granite Stairs
  128. Prismarine
  129. Prismarine Brick Slab
  130. Prismarine Brick Stairs
  131. Prismarine Bricks
  132. Prismarine Slab
  133. Prismarine Stairs
  134. Prismarine Wall
  135. Quartz Bricks
  136. Quartz Pillar
  137. Quartz Slab
  138. Quartz Stairs
  139. Red Nether Brick Slab
  140. Red Nether Brick Stairs
  141. Red Sandstone Slab
  142. Red Sandstone Stairs
  143. Red Sandstone Wall
  144. Red nether Bricks
  145. Sandstone
  146. Sandstone Slab
  147. Sandstone Stairs
  148. Sandstone wall
  149. Smoker
  150. Smooth Quartz Block
  151. Smooth Quartz Slab
  152. Smooth Quartz Stairs
  153. Smooth Red Sandstone
  154. Smooth Red Sandstone Slab
  155. Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs
  156. Smooth Sandstone
  157. Smooth Sandstone Slab
  158. Smooth Sandstone Stairs
  159. Smooth Stone
  160. Smooth Stone Slab
  161. Soul Campfire
  162. Spruce Fence
  163. Spruce Log
  164. Spruce Planks
  165. Spruce Slab
  166. Spruce Stairs
  167. Spruce Wood
  168. Stripped Acacia Log
  169. Stone
  170. Stone Stairs
  171. Stripped Acacia Wood
  172. Stripped Birch Log
  173. Stripped Birch Wood
  174. Stripped Crimson Hyphae
  175. Stripped Crimson Stem
  176. Stripped Dark Oak Log
  177. Stripped Dark Oak Wood
  178. Stripped Jungle Log
  179. Stripped Jungle Wood
  180. Stripped Oak Log
  181. Stripped Oak Wood
  182. Stripped Spruce Log
  183. Stripped Spruce Wood
  184. Stripped Warped Hyphae
  185. Stripped Warped Stem
  186. Warped Fence
  187. Warped Slab
  188. Warped Stairs
  189. Wared Stem

Decorative Blocks in Minecraft

  1. Acacia Leaves
  2. Acacia Sapling
  3. Allium
  4. Acacia Sign
  5. Anvil
  6. Azure Bluet
  7. Bamboo
  8. Bamboo Shoot
  9. Beetroots
  10. Bee Nest
  11. Birch Leaves
  12. Birch Sapling
  13. Blue Ice
  14. Blue Orchid
  15. Birch Sign
  16. Blast Furnace
  17. Block of Iron
  18. Bone Block
  19. Brain Coral
  20. Brain Coral Block
  21. Brain Coral Fan
  22. Brown Mushroom
  23. Brown Mushroom Block
  24. Bubble Coral
  25. Bubble Coral Block
  26. Bubble Coral Fan
  27. Cactus
  28. Carrots
  29. Carved Pumpkin
  30. Cartography Table
  31. Cauldron
  32. Chain
  33. Chipped Anvil
  34. Chorus Flower
  35. Chorus Plant
  36. Clay
  37. Coal Ore
  38. Coarse Dirt
  39. Cobweb
  40. Cocoa
  41. Cornflower
  42. Crimson Fungus
  43. Crafting Table
  44. Crimson Nylium
  45. Crimson Roots
  46. Dandelion
  47. Crimson Sign
  48. Damaged Anvil
  49. Dark Oak Leaves
  50. Dark Oak Sapling
  51. Dead Brain Coral
  52. Dark Oak Sign
  53. Dead Brain Coral Block
  54. Dead Brain Coral Fan
  55. Dead Bubble Coral
  56. Dead Bubble Coral Block
  57. Dead Bubble Coral Fan
  58. Dead Bush
  59. Dead Fire Coral
  60. Dead Fire Coral Block
  61. Dead Fire Coral Fan
  62. Dead Horn Coral
  63. Dead Horn Coral Block
  64. Dead Horn Coral Fan
  65. Dead Tube Coral
  66. Dead Tube Coral Block
  67. Dead Tube Coral Fan
  68. Diamond Ore
  69. Dirt
  70. Emerald Ore
  71. Farmland
  72. Fern
  73. Fire Coral
  74. Fire Coral Block
  75. Fire Coral Fan
  76. Fletching Table
  77. Flower Pot
  78. Furnace
  79. Gold Ore
  80. Grass
  81. Grass Block
  82. Grass Path
  83. Gravel
  84. Haybale
  85. Grindstone
  86. Honey Block
  87. Honeycomb Brick
  88. Horn Coral
  89. Horn Coral Block
  90. Horn Coral Fan
  91. Ice
  92. Iron Bars
  93. Iron Ore
  94. Jungle Leaves
  95. Jungle Sapling
  96. Jungle Sign
  97. Kelp
  98. Lapis Lazuli Ore
  99. Large Fern
  100. Ladder
  101. Lantern
  102. Lava
  103. Lilac
  104. Lily of the Valley
  105. Lectern
  106. Lily Pad
  107. Magma Block
  108. Melon
  109. Lodestone
  110. Loom
  111. Melon Stem
  112. Mushroom Stem
  113. Mycelium
  114. Nether Gold Ore
  115. Nether Quartz Ore
  116. Nether Sprouts
  117. Nether Wart
  118. Nether Wart Block
  119. Netherrack
  120. Oak Leaves
  121. Oak Sapling
  122. Orange Tulip
  123. Oak Sign
  124. Oxeye Daisy
  125. Packed Ice
  126. Peony
  127. Pink Tulip
  128. Podzol
  129. Poppy
  130. Potatoes
  131. Pumpkin
  132. Pumpkin Stem
  133. Red Mushroom
  134. Red Mushroom Block
  135. Red Sand
  136. Red Sandstone
  137. Red Tulip
  138. Redstone Ore
  139. Respawn Anchor
  140. Rose Bush
  141. Sand
  142. Sea Lantern
  143. Sea Pickle
  144. Seagrass
  145. Shroomlight
  146. Smithing Table
  147. Snow
  148. Snow Blocks
  149. Soul Lantern
  150. Soul Sand
  151. Soul Soil
  152. Sponge
  153. Spruce Leaves
  154. Spruce Sapling
  155. Sugar Cane
  156. Spruce Sign
  157. Stonecutter
  158. Sunflower
  159. Sweet Berry Bush
  160. Tall Grass
  161. Tall Seagrass
  162. Tube Coral
  163. Tube Coral Block
  164. Turtle Egg
  165. Twisting Vines
  166. Vines
  167. Warped Fungus
  168. Warped Roots
  169. Warped Wart Block
  170. Warped Hyphae
  171. Warped Sign
  172. Water
  173. Weeping Vines
  174. Wet Sponge
  175. Wheat Crops
  176. White Tulip
  177. Wither Rose

Redstone Blocks in Minecraft

  1. Acacia Button
  2. Acacia Door
  3. Acacia Fence Gate
  4. Acacia Pressure Plate
  5. Acacia Trapdoor
  6. Activator Rail
  7. Birch Button
  8. Birch Door
  9. Birch Fence Gate
  10. Birch Trapdoor
  11. Block of Redstone
  12. Daylight Detector
  13. Dispenser
  14. Dropper
  15. Lever
  16. Crimson Button
  17. Crimson Door
  18. Crimson Fence Gate
  19. Crimson Pressure Plate
  20. Crimson Trapdoor
  21. Dark Oak Button
  22. Dark Oak Fence Gate
  23. Dark Oak Pressure Plate
  24. Dark Oak Trapdoor
  25. Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate
  26. Hopper
  27. Iron Door
  28. Iron Trapdoor
  29. Jungle Button
  30. Jungle Door
  31. Jungle Fence Gate
  32. Jungle Pressure Plate
  33. Jungle Trapdoor
  34. Note Block
  35. Oak Button
  36. Oak Fence Gate
  37. Oak Pressure Plate
  38. Oak Trapdoor
  39. Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate
  40. Spruce Button
  41. Spruce Door
  42. Spruce Fence Gate
  43. Spruce Pressure Plate
  44. Spruce Trapdoor
  45. Stone Button
  46. Stone Pressure Plate
  47. Light Weighted Pressure Plate
  48. Observer
  49. Piston
  50. Redstone Comparator
  51. Redstone Lamp
  52. Redstone Repeater
  53. Redstone Torch
  54. Redstone Wire
  55. Sculk Sensor
  56. Sticky Piston
  57. Trapped Chest
  58. Tripwire Hook
  59. Warped Button
  60. Warped Door
  61. Warped Fence Gate
  62. Warped PlanksBirch Pressure Plate
  63. Warped Pressure Plate
  64. Warped Trapdoor

Transportation Blocks in Minecraft

  1. Boat
  2. Boat with Chest
  3. Detector Rail
  4. Minecart
  5. Minecart with Chest
  6. Minecart with Furnace
  7. Minecart with TNT
  8. Powered Rail
  9. Rail

That’s all we have to include as of now in this guide on how many blocks are in Minecraft. You can keep reading our guides like How to make an observer in Minecraft for more knowledge about the game.