Gyan Sujan’s ID, Rank, Stats, Youtube Channel, and more in February 2022

Gyan Sujan’s ID, Rank, Stats, Youtube Channel, and more in February 2022

Gyan Sujan’s ID, Rank, Stats, Youtube Channel, and more in February 2022

Gyan Sujan’s ID, Rank, Stats, Youtube Channel, and more in February 2022

Sujan Mistri popularly known as Gyan Sujan is a well-known Free Fire content creator and YouTuber in India. He has boasted 13.6 million subscribers and 1.90 billion views over his exceptional gameplay videos. 

Sujan has been creating content over the live streaming of Garena Free Fire. He has gained 300 thousand subscribers and 29.524 million views within the last 30 days alone.

Gyan Sujan’s Free Fire ID Number, Rank, Stats, and more:

Gyan Sujan’s Free Fire UID is 70393167. Gyan Sujan’s in-game name is ‘_GyanSujan_’ .

Here are the stats of the Gyan Sujan taken on 4 February 2022:

Gyan Sujan’s Lifetime Stats:

Gyan Sujan has appeared in 19138 squad matches out of which he has won 6832 matches with a win percentage of 35.69%. He has killed 68787 of his enemies in the game with a K/D ratio of 5.59. 

The Free Fire player has also played 2235 duo matches and has claimed 510 victories with a win rate of 22.81%. He acquired 6107 frags and a K/D ratio of 3.54.

Apart from these, Gyan Sujan has also been in 1441 solo matches out of which he gained 159 Booyahs, sustaining the win percentage of 11.03% with 2363 frags with a K/D ratio of 1.84.

Gyan Sujan’s Ranked Stats:

Gyan Sujan has not participated in any of the Ranked Matches yet.

Gyan Sujan’s Clash Squad Stats:

He has participated in 1174 of the CS matches and has won 594 of them with a win rate of 50.60% he has killed 5725 of his enemies with a K/D ratio of 1.27.

Gyan Sujan’s Total Income:

According to Social Blade, the monthly income of the YouTuber is around $7.4K and $118.1K, and the yearly income of Sujan is $88.6K – $1.4M.

Gyan Sujan’s YouTube Channel:

Gyan has been creating engaging content over his YouTube channel for a few years and he has gained as many as 300 thousand subscribers and 29.524 million views within the last 30 days alone.