Cuban Baseball Team Coach’s Mysterious Disappearance Baffles Little League World Series

Cuban Baseball Team Coach’s Mysterious Disappearance Baffles Little League World Series

Cuban Baseball Team Coach’s Mysterious Disappearance Baffles Little League World Series

Something strange is happening at the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. A coach from the Cuban team has gone missing, and nobody knows where he is.

The coach’s name is Jose Perez, and he’s in charge of the Cuban team. He was last seen on Saturday night, and since then, no one has heard from him. This has left everyone confused and worried.

On that Saturday evening, after all the teams were done playing, Jose Perez left the place where the teams stay, called International Grove. But he didn’t come back. Little League confirmed this news in a statement.

“Jose Perez left International Grove where all the teams stay late Saturday and did not return, according to a statement from Little League,” Penn Live reported. “The organization stated that it has communicated with all appropriate authorities but would not say if it is considered a defection. Attempts to reach the State Department on Sunday were unsuccessful.”

Cuban Baseball Team Coach Jose Perez

However, they didn’t say if he ran away on purpose or if something else happened. People tried to ask the State Department about it, but they couldn’t get any answers.

This year is special because it’s the first time that a team from Cuba is playing in the Little League World Series. Everyone was excited about it. But now, with the coach missing, the excitement has turned into concern.

We don’t know much about why the coach disappeared. People are guessing different things, but nobody has clear answers. Little League is being careful with the information they share. They haven’t said for sure if the coach left on his own or if there’s something else going on.

People are waiting to hear more about what happened. It’s a strange and worrying situation, and it’s making the Little League World Series different this year. The games are still happening, and you can watch them on TV on ESPN. But in the middle of all the fun and excitement, there’s now a mystery that nobody saw coming.

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